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Integrated B&W Processing & Advanced Masking Webinar & Bonus Session

Integrated B&W Processing & Advanced Masking Webinar & Bonus Session

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Integrated B&W Processing & Advanced Masking webinar - September 8, 2024 + Bonus Interview & Q&A session on September 1, 2024 (1 hour)

**An integrated and complete approach for artists, not for content creators**

Live and interactive PAID webinar via Zoom (info on bonus Live interview + Q&A: scroll down below the line)

When: September 8, 2024 (Main processing & masking webinar)

Time: 3.30 pm CET (Amsterdam) / 9.30 am EST (New York) / 6.30 am PST (Los Angeles)

Duration: approx. 3.5 hours (excluding breaks)

Deliverables: The webinar will be recorded and distributed to the attendees a few days after the Webinar. One week before the webinar you will receive a short preparation video


In-depth start-to-finish demonstrations of a holistic and integrated approach towards B&W fine art processing and advanced masking designed for artists, not for content creators. The goal is to share and demonstrate all necessary information and skills for creating sophisticated B&W fine art images. From image analysis to masking, to fine art post-processing of high-quality images suitable for exhibition-quality prints. Attendees will get the latest insights from one of the leading experts and innovators in digital B&W processing and masking.


There will be limited attendance, so full is full. You will receive an invite with a Zoom link within 24 hours upon successful payment in full.


All levels from beginners to intermediates, and experienced. If you're a beginner, you will learn everything you need to know from the artist himself who pioneered B&W fine art architecture and whose images have inspired thousands of photographers worldwide. If you're an experienced artist, you will get a comprehensive summary and surely pick up new things along the way to get even better.

A Photoshop class, not a plugin demonstration

This webinar is NOT about using the Artisan Pro or Quick Mask Pro plugins, but they form an important part of the webinar to speed up the workflow and demos. All demonstrations can be done with Photoshop only and you will get an overview of how to map the panel steps to PS steps before the start of the webinar with a short video.

Outline: a holistic, in-depth, start-to-finish fine art workflow

Creating true fine art is far more than the superficial parlor tricks popular on YouTube. It is an art form that often takes years to master through dedicated, continuous practice. In this class, I will give a hands-on and in-depth start-to-finish crash course on creating sophisticated B&W fine art images including every step from image analysis to masking to processing and finalizing an image. I will share all the practical skills and knowledge I have developed over the years and the latest insights to enable serious artists to create meaningful and impactful images across all genres.

The steps, techniques, and workflow demonstrated are always targeted at achieving a printable high-quality, high-resolution result worthy of gallery exhibition purposes, that goes far beyond social media image quality only.

This crash course is based on years of guiding students towards publications and exhibitions, winning international awards, and judging international competitions over the past 10 years. You will learn B&W fine art processing in-depth, and in detail from the artist who pioneered and popularised B&W Fine art architecture over the last 15 years.

This is a course with limited theoretical explanations. Instead, you will gain a theoretical understanding of universal principles of creating beautiful images implicitly, through intensive various practical demonstrations.

If you know nothing or little about crafting beautiful B&W fine art photos, you will get yourself an important foundation with this course. And if you already created great images, you will still learn something new to be even better.


  • Workflow high-level overview provides an overview of the main decision points and steps including masking.
  • Image analysis for efficient and effective fine art creation. Identify weak and strong points based on intention, contrast, and composition.
  • Image design: based on the analysis the best design is discussed and chosen based on aesthetic principles, weak and strong points. The following points will be addressed:
    • Where should the contrast be, how much is enough and where should it not be?
    • Where should the visual weight be, and where should it not be?
    • Full tonal range or limited tonal range?
    • Creating checkerboard patterns
    • Depth perception
    • and more
  • Masking images: making only a limited amount of necessary hard masks the fastest possible way. For the sake of doing a variety of demonstrations within the given time, masking will not be done perfectly but to understand what method to use.
  • The importance of luminosity masks and evaluating and selecting the right luminosity masks for intersection with hard masks.
  • Converting and adjusting the images based on the image design, to high-impact and beautiful images using the hard and luminosity masks. The use of color filters or neutral conversions will be discussed
  • Using the principle of 'neutralizing' the image by removing contrasts and then bringing back details and contrasts selectively
  • The importance of creating 'neutral' areas (mid-grays) to amplify selective contrast
  • Stylizing skies and creating depth: simple and advanced methods
  • Fine-tuning the image
  • The above will be demonstrated in start-to-finish demonstrations for architecture and landscape images

Please take note of our Terms & Conditions and Cancelation policy here

==== Info on Bonus Live Interview + Q&A on September 1, 2024 ====

The bonus live interview and Q&A session is not part of the B&W processing and Masking session on September 8, 2024, but is only accessible to those who signed up for the webinar on September 8. Attending this Interview + Q&A session is optional. But if you do attend, you can ask any question beyond B&W processing or masking, which will always be addressed during the main webinars.

Ask away. Ask anything related to photography, or art in general. The business of photography, tips on pursuing photography as a profession. My greatest frustration or failures. If I'm envious. Anything. Surprise me. Provoke me: photography interviews in general are boring and predictable. Even the answers are predictable. This should be revealing for everyone, including myself.

When: Sunday, September 1, 2024

Time4.30 pm CET (Amsterdam) / 10.30 am EST (New York) / 7.30 am PST (Los Angeles)

Duration: 30-minute interview by Mike Packard followed by a 30-minute Q&A. Total 1 hour

How can I ask questions: 1/ during the Q&A or 2/ if you want Mike to include your question in the interview, then send one question in an email after signing up for the main webinar on September 8.

Recording: This interview + Q&A session will be recorded too, and will be published on YouTube. This doesn't apply to the Main webinar on September 8. So if you would like to stay anonymous, it's recommended to submit a question via email.

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